International Market Development
One of our great success stories has been our support with the international market development of Seabrook Crisps. Brought in to the company to ‘hit the ground running’ on export, we successfully proposed and implemented an export strategy and plan, project managed the brand exhibiting at four global trade shows, secured export funding from the government and secured business in several new export Middle East, Far East and ASEAN territories.
7 new markets secured
October 2017
Market outreach into Gulf states
This was our first market visit for the crisp brand to the UAE and Saudi Arabia.
The purpose of this visit was to have face to face meetings with our distributor network. Making contact with suitable overseas retailers, food service providers and buying partners.
It is important to understand the cultural differences when visiting a new market.
We have an article explaining the Arabic culture which can be found in our portfolio section.

November 2017
FHC Trade Show: Shanghai, China
A fact finding mission to understand the potential in China and develop a comprehensive market entry strategy.
Along side the exhibition, our team participated in a ‘meet the buyer’ programme which was especially useful in finding new distributor and retailer contacts within this market.
Our visit included store visits to research competition, understand pricing points and to see which brands were currently importing into China within the crisps and snacks category.

November 2017
Business Secured in Qatar & the UAE
Following a successful visit to the Gulf in October, we closed our first deals for the brand in both the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
The first container of Seabrook crisps was shipped to Qatar. Our distributor partner in the UAE carried out product sampling counters inside various retail outlets, such as the Union Coops chain shown here.

December 2017
Government Funding Secured
First wave of funding secured from The Department for International Trade (DIT)
We have collaborated with the DIT for several years now, working closely with the Advisors to support clients with export opportunities. This includes accessing their resources and any funding opportunities to maximise export growth for our clients.
You can find a selection of Bolst Global export webinars commissioned by the DIT on our resource page.
February 2018
Business Secured in Saudi Arabia
New business contracts secured with Saudi Arabia following a successful exhibition at the Gulfood trade show in Dubai.
This trade show is a must for any food and drink brand looking to export to the UAE and the wider Middle East region.
Our team managed all pre-show preparations and exhibition requirements including the stand design/build, product samples and organising prospect/partner meetings throughout the show.

March 2018
New 12 Month Strategy & Plan
Implementation of a new 12 month export plan in conjunction with the CEO.
This plan was produced for the new financial year to strategically focus on specific global territories.
Aligning overarching business goals with international development is crucial to understanding the objectives, investment and commitment required to succeed.

April 2018
Business Development in Singapore
Project management at the FHA Trade Show
The key focus was to develop Singapore partnerships and streamline the existing route to market. In addition, we generated several new business opportunities including large distributors from Malaysia and Hong Kong.

May 2018
Registered Products in ASEAN Markets
To assist with export development into ASEAN markets, technical data and documentation were provided for registration in the following target markets:

Secured Further Funding
An additional match funded Government grant to support further export development and market visits in strategic target territories.
July 2018
Business Secured in Saudi Arabia & Kuwait
Market visits to both Saudi Arabia and Kuwait resulted in new product listings in both markets.
Multiple containers were shipped to Saudi Arabia for distribution. A large scale product launch was negotiated with The Sultan Centre (one of the largest privately owned supermarket chains in Kuwait).

October 2018
SIAL Trade Show, Paris
New business secured following a successful exhibition at SIAL Trade Show, Paris. Our Founder, Victoria is fluent in French which was a huge benefit for both meetings and negotiations with French speaking business prospects.
SIAL Paris is a great meeting point to further develop relationships with existing partners. It is a dedicated international platform for food innovation and attracts buyers from around the globe.
The show is held every two years and due to Covid-19, this year’s event has now been re-scheduled to 2022
October 2018
Increased Demand
Continuous business development with new business partners resulted in product volume increases in a number of target markets.
Overall, it has been an extremely successful export partnership. Within just 12 months we have managed to secure new business contracts in several export markets and have developed strong relationships with distributors, retailers and buying partners from around the world.
Market visits, trade shows and face to face meetings with prospective buyers has been a key element to our export success with Seabrook crisps. This has also helped to further increase our own global insights and network, to support more clients going forward.

February 2019
Bolst Global started to work with Seabrook Crisps Ltd in 2017 as we decided as a company that we needed greater expertise, experience and resource to help us build up our embryonic international sales. They helped us prepare for major global food exhibitions, like ANUGA, SIAL, Gulfood, FHC Shanghai and FHA Singapore and were particularly helpful in accessing international funding support for us.
They have experience all over the globe but we targeted the Gulf and Asia as our priorities. We have secured a number of new markets using Bolst Global including the UAE, Saudi, Kuwait, Qatar, Singapore, China and Malaysia.
Given that our new owners have a number of their own subsidiaries in our Asian and other markets we have now ended our partnership with Bolst Global.

Jonathan Bye
CEO Seabrook Crisps
Core Services Employed
If you would like more information or export support, please complete the contact form below and one of our team will come back to you.